Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Union Blockade, Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign, & Sherman’s March to the Sea

Union Blockade,
Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign,
Sherman’s March to the Sea

            The Union Blockade, Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign, and Sherman’s March to the Sea were all important things and steps that would help the Union win the Civil war against the Confederates. The Union Blockade was the act of the Union blocking the coast of Georgia. They especially made to block Savannah a major port in Georgia. Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign had two major reasons. The first reason was to capture a major railroad center in the south. The second reason was the reinsurances of Lincoln’s reelection. If the Campaign was not successful, then Lincoln could not have served a second term.  Sherman’s march to the Sea was also very important and very dangerous. It was dangerous because during the march they would be cut off from supplies and would not be able to communicate. This would be like going on a trip through the desert and not having food or water and a phone with service to call for help.  During his march he also wanted to cause and make destruction so that the Georgians would leave the area and go somewhere else. While Sherman and his troops were on this march, they burned almost everything in sight except for hospitals and churches. 

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