Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dred Scott, Election of 1860, & Secession in GA

Dred Scott,
Election of 1860,
Secession in GA

Dred Scott, an African American during the time of the Civil War and prior was a man who wanted to fight for his rights. Dred Scott tried to sue for his freedom but not win the lawsuit.  He claimed and stated that he and his family had been living in the north as free people and should be considered free people. The election of 1860 would later be one of the most important elections in history. This election would later lead to the emancipation Proclamation, which freed all black slaves in rebellious states. President Abraham and Lincoln was elected in the lection of 1860. Many southerners did not like him and his name was not even put on the ballet in some states. Many thought he would not win because it was a very close race. This election is similar to the election in 2012. Many people thought Obama would not win the election because it was a very close race between him and Romney. In 1861 many Georgia citizens wanted Georgia to break away from the Union. Also known as the Secession in GA.

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