Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Freedman’s Bureau & Sharecropping/Tenant Farming

Freedman’s Bureau 

Sharecropping/Tenant Farming

The Freedman’s Bureau and Sharecropping/Tenant farming are both apart of reconstruction after the Civil War. The Freedman’s Bureau was created by the Radical Republican.  The Radical Republicans were a group of politicians that supported equal rights for African Americans. The Bureau’s main objective was to protect the rights of freed black people. The Bureau paved the way for many black colleges and, churches, schoolteachers, and many more. There are many Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in Atlanta today. Clark Atlanta, Spelman, Morehouse, and Albany State are a few. Along with reconstruction was farming. A sharecropper was a person who farmed land that did not nit belong to them. In order to keep the land the sharecropper pays rent and a part of the crop they grow to the owner of the land.It is not often that these people make a profit or save money made from their crops. A tenant farmer is a level or class above a sharecrop farmer. In most cases tenant farmers own equipment or animals. Towards the end of the year the farmers pay their owners in cash or a portion of the crop.

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