Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Reconstruction plans, 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments, Henry Turner, & Ku Klux Klan

Reconstruction plans,
13th, 14th, 15th Amendments,
Henry Turner,
Ku Klux Klan

There were three sections of the reconstruction plans. Lincoln wanted 10% of the citizens in each state to take an oath of allegiance. Once 10% took the oath in each state, that state could rejoin and form a state government. Johnson had similar ideas and supported Lincoln’s suggestions and plans. He also approved the 13th amendment, which made slavery illegal in all states. He also made it illegal or a state to leave. Congressional approves and ratified the 14th amendment. This allowed citizenship to free men and equal protection regarding the law. The 15th amendment allowed all men of any race or color to vote. Henry McNeal, a minister, was elected to be in  the Georgia General Assembly, but was removed along with other African Americans in the group. The democrats, the ones who removed them, stated that voting and holding office were two different things and that they were not allowed to join or be elected. They eventually returned to their seats after the federal government protested. The Ku Klux Klan was a racist group of people created to stop black people from voting. They also wanted to take away the rights of blacks in the south. They were also against whites who supported equal rights for blacks.

Freedman’s Bureau & Sharecropping/Tenant Farming

Freedman’s Bureau 

Sharecropping/Tenant Farming

The Freedman’s Bureau and Sharecropping/Tenant farming are both apart of reconstruction after the Civil War. The Freedman’s Bureau was created by the Radical Republican.  The Radical Republicans were a group of politicians that supported equal rights for African Americans. The Bureau’s main objective was to protect the rights of freed black people. The Bureau paved the way for many black colleges and, churches, schoolteachers, and many more. There are many Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in Atlanta today. Clark Atlanta, Spelman, Morehouse, and Albany State are a few. Along with reconstruction was farming. A sharecropper was a person who farmed land that did not nit belong to them. In order to keep the land the sharecropper pays rent and a part of the crop they grow to the owner of the land.It is not often that these people make a profit or save money made from their crops. A tenant farmer is a level or class above a sharecrop farmer. In most cases tenant farmers own equipment or animals. Towards the end of the year the farmers pay their owners in cash or a portion of the crop.



Andersonville was a place in Georgia where a prison was held. This spot in Georgia was chosen because it was far away from the coasts and was very remote. The prison was designed for 10,00 men but soon held more 30,000 war prisoners. Many sliders died in the prisoners due to insects, disease, and contaminated water from the creek that was running the prison. It was almost impossible to escape because the secure perimeter. Henry Wirz, the commander of the prison was disliked and not respected by the guards and prisoners. Wirz was later executed or war crimes. The Andersonville prison could be compared to the Nazi war concentration camps because of their horrible condition and treatment of prisoners.

Union Blockade, Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign, & Sherman’s March to the Sea

Union Blockade,
Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign,
Sherman’s March to the Sea

            The Union Blockade, Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign, and Sherman’s March to the Sea were all important things and steps that would help the Union win the Civil war against the Confederates. The Union Blockade was the act of the Union blocking the coast of Georgia. They especially made to block Savannah a major port in Georgia. Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign had two major reasons. The first reason was to capture a major railroad center in the south. The second reason was the reinsurances of Lincoln’s reelection. If the Campaign was not successful, then Lincoln could not have served a second term.  Sherman’s march to the Sea was also very important and very dangerous. It was dangerous because during the march they would be cut off from supplies and would not be able to communicate. This would be like going on a trip through the desert and not having food or water and a phone with service to call for help.  During his march he also wanted to cause and make destruction so that the Georgians would leave the area and go somewhere else. While Sherman and his troops were on this march, they burned almost everything in sight except for hospitals and churches. 

Gettysburg And Chickamauga

            The battle of Gettysburg took place July 1-3,1863. The total number of casualties was 165,620. The Union General George M. Meade. The Confederate was Robert E. Lee. This battle was a Union victory. This battle was important because it gave the Union some hope. The battle of Chickamauga took place September 18-20, 1863. The total number of casualties was 34,624. The Union General was William S. Rosecrans. The Confederate generals were Braxton Braggs and James Longstreet. This battle was a Confederate victory. Even thought the Confederacy had more casualties, it still resulted in a win for the Confederate troops and people.

Antietam & Emancipation Proclamation

Dred Scott, Election of 1860, & Secession in GA

Dred Scott,
Election of 1860,
Secession in GA

Dred Scott, an African American during the time of the Civil War and prior was a man who wanted to fight for his rights. Dred Scott tried to sue for his freedom but not win the lawsuit.  He claimed and stated that he and his family had been living in the north as free people and should be considered free people. The election of 1860 would later be one of the most important elections in history. This election would later lead to the emancipation Proclamation, which freed all black slaves in rebellious states. President Abraham and Lincoln was elected in the lection of 1860. Many southerners did not like him and his name was not even put on the ballet in some states. Many thought he would not win because it was a very close race. This election is similar to the election in 2012. Many people thought Obama would not win the election because it was a very close race between him and Romney. In 1861 many Georgia citizens wanted Georgia to break away from the Union. Also known as the Secession in GA.